Dr.Ratnadeep R. Deshmukh


Sectional President,ICT Section, ISCA-2019,

Program Coordinator DST-FIST,

Department of Computer Science and IT,

Dr. Babasabheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad(MS),INDIA.


Dr. Ratnadeep R. Deshmukh


Sectional President,ICT Section, ISCA-2019,

Program Coordinator DST-FIST,

Department of Computer Science and IT,

Dr. Babasabheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad(MS),INDIA.

Projects Detail

Project Title
1 Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission Govt. of India Rs. 50,000,00/- Ongoing
1 DST-FIST support for Hyper Spectral Image Analysis of RS and GIS DST Rs. 1,22,00,000/- Completed
2 महाराष्ट्र राज्य मराठी विश्वकोश निर्मिती मंडळ,महाराष्ट्र्र शासन for development of Marathi Vishvakosh in the subject of Information Technology and Computer Science. Maharashtra Govt Rs.7,20,000/- Completed
3 “Perception and Modelling of 3 Dimentional Scense” Global Initiative of Academic Networks(GIAN), Program Rs.5,44,000/- Completed
4 Development of Database and Automatic Recognition System for Continuous Marathi Spoken Language for Agriculture Purpose in Marathwada Region UGC Rs. 13,61,454/- Completed
5 Development of Marathi Emotional Speech Database for Marathwada Region University-UGC Rs. 10,000/- Completed